

OurMED " Sustainable water storage and distribution in the Mediterranean" is a PRIMA-funded project under section I. The overall objective of OurMED is to design and explore innovative and sustainable storage and distribution systems tightly integrated into ecosystem management at the river basin scale. This is achieved by the combination of scientific and local knowledge, emerging from new and long-lasting spaces for social learning among interdependent stakeholders, society actors and scientific researchers in eight local and one regional MED demo sites.

OurMED vision will address this “last mile” not only by technologically advanced monitoring techniques, smart modelling and optimization capabilities, but also by providing data fusion and integrated digital twin technologies in order to make optimized solutions easy to use for decision-making. OurMED intends, also, to enable participatory information sharing and multi-sectoral stakeholder engagement ultimately helping related SDG challenges. The pillars specific objectives of the OurMED project are:

P1- Improvement of water storage and distribution, including artificial water systems and natural wetlands
  • OBJ-P1-1: Identification of the most important water storage and distribution issues and needs across the MED considering the water-related ecosystems (WP2-7);
  • OBJ-P1-2: Improvement of water and ecosystem monitoring technology and target variables taking benefits of High-Resolution Monitoring Approach (HRMA), Low-cost technologies for river monitoring, data and image processing, and Earth Observation (EO) tools (WP2, 6);
  • OBJ-P1-3: Identification of the most innovative and sustainable multi-sectoral water management strategies towards integrated, equitable, and sustainable water security and ecosystem integrity in the MED (WP2-3).

Graphical representation of OurMED Work Package (WP)


OurMED is part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union.